Important Nutrition Concepts
No one argues that everyone needs to take in nutrients; they only disagree about which nutrients and how much! Since every individual has a different nutritional requirement there can be no rigid statement about what and how much you should eat, in spite of the “authority’s” demands to the contrary. There are, however, some general nutritional principles which do apply to everyone–actually every living thing.
In my Natural Bioenergetics™, Natural Bioenergetics™ nutrition work we can actually determine, energetically, a person’s nutritional needs, and we use these general principles to guide us.
First of all we measure the person’s Diet Quotient. A perfect diet for that person is an index of 100. In our polluted, soil-nutrient-deficient, everything-needs-to-be-processed, crop-spraying-world a DQ of 100 is nearly impossible. If you Iive far from “civilization”, grow your own food, and eat it freshly preprared by yourself, then maybe you can achieve that. For most of us, no way. However, almost anyone can achieve an index above 90. This is established predominantly by avoiding the wrong foods, including junk and the foods to which you are allergic / sensitive (all by Natural Bioenergetics™ testing methods) , and by eating more of the especially nutritious foods. These will be discussed in future posts here. I find that the typical hospital food index is an amazingly low 20 or so. Eating at fast food restaurants is even better! No wonder that so many people die in hospitals–they starve to death.
We can determine how nutritionally deficient a person is by checking their “Nutrient Level”, using an Index of 0 to 100. A “0″ nutrient level is, or course, impossible. An index of 100 is perfect. An Index of 99.9999% is a failing grade, because the person does not have in their body sufficient levels of at least one nutrient to fully supply all the tissues. This is because 100% Nutrient Level is defined as the person having in their body 100% of every nutrient their tissues need to function optimally. Anything less than 100% means that some tissue does not have all the raw materials to function optimally. Something has got to give, and no tissue can be perfect unless it has ALL the required raw materials it requires.
Even this concept is not enough, however, because even though the nutrients are in the body does not mean that they are available to all the tissues. Various things can block the cells from absorbing or utilizing the nutrients even though they are available. What can do this? Various toxins, drugs, vaccines, fluoride in the water, chlorine in the water, and so on. In Natural Bioenergetics™, however, we have methods to repair these metabolic blockages and release the toxins so the body can dispose of them. Again, watch for future posts about these concepts.
As some nutrients reach the 100% tissue nutrient level the body can store them away as a “Metabolic Reserve”. At exactly 100% Nutrient Level the Metabolic Reserve Index is 0%. The reserve level can climb to 100%, meaning that the body has stored away all of that nutrient that it can. Developing a high metabolic reserve is vital. Any type of stress will cause the body to work harder, to cope with the added stress. As your body is stressed, as long as there is some metabolic reserve to be used the tissues will not be harmed. In other words, as long as your metabolic reserve can supply your body with the required nutrients everything will continue to operate normally. As soon as any nutrient drops below the 0% Metabolic Reserve level (less than 100% Nutrient Level) some tissue cannot function properly, and you will suffer the consequences. The more nutrients and the greater the nutrient drop the more severe the tissue dysfunction.
I have worked with people who underwent chemotherapy for cancer who were not damaged by the drugs and did not lose their hair, because we were able to supply their body with enough nutrition (starting before the drug therapy) to prevent the massive damage from the drugs. (Radiation, too.) To do this they had to ingest very large quantities of natural nutritional supplements.
The above actually describes three concepts:
Meeting the Ongoing Nutritional Need (for daily activities)
Ingesting “extra amounts” to Rebuild Nutritional Deficiencies.
Ingesting still more additional amounts to Build Metabolic Reserves.
There is a Fourth concept, however, which is also very important: Nutritional Abundance.
What this means is that there is a high abundance of nutrients “just floating around”. The body can grab what it needs without finding it in storage and taking it out then transporting it to wherever it is needed. This improves efficiency and uses less energy. Suppose in your home you have only one of some frequently used item, say a water glass. That glass might be used in different rooms by different family members. If you need a glass of water you would have to go all around the house looking for that single glass. On the other hand, if you have different water glasses all over the house you can more easiy grab and use the most nearby one, saving a lot of running around.
When there is not enough nutrition available in the food you need to supplement the food with the appropriate nutrients. That is why they are called Nutritional Supplements! They are to supplement the food, not replace it. This topic will occupy some posts on this site in due time. Meanwhile, note that many, probably most, nutritional supplements on the market are rather poor.