
Scary concept to most people. With the nuclear power plant problems in Japan just now, many people have renewed their fears. Lets take a closer look.

When the United States exploded two atomic bombs in Japan in WWII we heard about the horrible devastation caused not only by the blast itself, but perhaps even worse, the radiation. The pictures of people suffering from radiation sickness were difficult to look at. Nobody ever wants to see that again.

Although not a “secret” in the official sense, there was a remarkable story which has remained virtually secret anyway. I learned of this secret many decades ago, when I was a teen, and I cannot recall anyone else who seemed to have learned of it. I read about this in a scholarly book, a section of which was a discussion of the radiation damage from the explosions. That remarkable secret was that there were groups of people, while living among the others who were damaged and killed by the radiation, who did not develop any signs of exposure to that radiation. How could that be, when we all “know” that nothing can be done to prevent the sad effects of high levels of radiation exposure? Why do we all believe that those people could not possibly survive? How could those folks be protected from the ill effects of their exposure to such high levels or radiation?

The answer is relatively simple. They ate diets rich in seafood and seaweeds. That was their lifestyle.

Fast forward a few decades. In my Natural Bioenergetics™ work I have consulted with various clients who had rather severe issues. Some of them chose to undergo radiation treatments. The question then presents itself: Can we do something to help their bodies better tolerate the radiation? Can we prevent “radiation sickness” or “radiation burns”? Can we help them recover faster? As always with Natural Bioenergetics™ we “ask the body”. Through our muscle testing procedures we can find out what the body itself wants, or does not want. What helps or what harms. By doing this carefully and thoroughly we can optimize the person’s life. What I found with these radiation treatments was that by giving the client sufficient amounts of various nutrients we could totally prevent all the negative effects of the radiation! In other words, the body is perfectly capable of repairing damage if it is provided with enough of the appropriate raw materials. This is exactly why those folks in 1940’s Japan were able to withstand the effects of the radiation–they had sufficient raw materials in their bodies to repair the radiation damage!

In modern times when there is some radiation leak the local people are urged to take potassium iodide, KI. The idea is, of course, to provide enough non-radioactive iodine that people will absorb less of the leaked radioactive iodine, thus being a bit more protected. Unfortunately, this approach is usually less than adequate. This is for at least two reasons: 1) It is not only iodine which is released!, 2) the radation damages tissues which require much more than just iodine for protection / repair. For example, the Japanese reactors are also leaking cesium. KI does not protect from cesium, a highly alkaline mineral which competes with lithium, sodium, potassium, and rubidium. Interestingly, non-radioactive cesium, and rubidium, have been used successfully as a cancer treatment (related to their highly alkaline nature).

How much nutrition is necessary for protection? On the simple level, if one needed, say 3 tablets of 10 different supplements “normally”, then with medical radiation the intake would be increased by about 10 / ten, times! Also, intake would have to include perhaps an additional 10 supplements. In other words, supplements could go from 30 pills a day to maybe 600 a day! That is how damaging medical radiation can be. On the other hand, if you are really eating properly and you build up your “metabolic  reserve” (stored nutrients), then your body will probably not get sick to begin with, and if you do get accidently exposed to any radiation then your body should be able to repair the damage and have little if any adverse effect. (Just like those Japanese folks.)

Eating well, by the way, is not done by following the orthodox recommended diet suggestions. I have bioenergetically tested thousands of people over the years, and I consistently find that most people’s bodys prefer a low carbohydrate, organic fresh whole natural foods diet. Grain intake should be very low, and then only eat whole grains. Pasturized products have lost most of their most beneficial components. Non-raw dairy is politely called junk. Artificial colors, flavors, and sweetners are forbidden. Frequent small amounts of a wide variety of foods are perhaps the most important rule of good diet practice. Meats and poultry are OK, if they are not contaminated by antibiotics, hormones, and so on. The so-called studies which condemn meats never seem to compare organic with commercial versions!

That said, there have been studies which concluded that chlorophyll has radiation protection properties. Naturally (pun intended) eating whole dark green vegetables is the best way to get the chlorophyll. Bottles of liquid chlorophyll are available, but the water soluble type has been chemically changed so is not quite like the original plant sources. Crude chlorophyll is a thick oily messy fantastic product. It stimulates new cell growth, rapidly eliminates pain in freshly damaged tissues (I verify that by personal experience with ripped-off toenail), speeds healing (especially with open wounds and burns), and so on. Also, it is a rich source of vitamins A and E. Anyway, get into the habit of eating some dark green veggies every day (broccoli, chard, spinach, beet greens, asparagus, turnip greens, etc.). Oh, and don’t forget, most sea weeds are green, too. That algae really soaks up the sunlight and grows up rich in trace minerals along the way. Protection in so many ways!

Background radiation is generally small. I have a professional grade radiation meter. For years I have periodically checked the radiation levels wherever I happen to be. On the ground in North American and Europe the typical counts–per–minute have been around 15. In the last few years at home I get average counts a little less, about 12. On a flight to and from Europe some years ago I got counts of about 600 at the highest altitudes.
What do these counts mean? 15 is about 0.015 mr / hr (millirem per hour). 600 is about 0.62 mr / hr. American workers are allowed about 5  rem (equals 5000 mr) total dose over a year. That is over 8000 hours at the 0.62 rate. (Note: Sievert is the unit used in some countries. 1 millisievert (mSv) = 100 mrem.)

Obviously the best way to protect yourself is to start well before the necessity to do so! Get yourself super healthy, take some precautions, and do not worry–that stress depletes your nutrient storage. Oh, it is best to get started last year. Otherwise, as they say, “There is no time like the present!”. Start NOW.

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