Is the headline for a story published in the British newspaper The Telegraph, 18 Jan 2010.
That British medical doctor declares that butter should be banned to save our hearts? His argument is that butter adds additional saturated fat to the diet, which [he says] is the problem. What about that?
Official Government statistics for the United States have shown that the total fat intake since 1900 has hardly changed over many decades. However, the proportion of different fats has changed markedly. There has been a strong trend for the REDUCED intake of saturated fats over all these years, with a proportional increase in the consumption of the unsaturated fats. Hmmm.
Over these same years the increase in heart disease, cancer, and many other “diseases”, has paralleled the increased intake of the unsaturated fats / decrease of saturated fats. This is, of course, the opposite of what the medical folks say. The incidence of cancer has also increased in the same way. Why would this be?
Most unsaturated fats are consumed only after extensive processing. The typical commercial bottled oils are filtered and heated for hours. This makes the oils rancid (oxidized, combined with oxygen) and then mixed with chemicals to mask their rancid taste before they are bottled. This makes the oils unfit for consumption, and damages the body’s biochemical processes. That is why the bottled oils are correlated with the increase in cancer and other diseases. Up until the late 1970’s some 25 large scale studies, with many thousands of participants, showed that the increased intake of the unsaturated fats did NOT significantly decrease cholesterol, and when they looked, there was an increase in cancer. Not exactly what they wanted to find. The medical establishment has largely ignored these results.
Of course I am fully aware of the body’s need for GOOD unsaturated fats. The problem is the processed, bottled, low quality fats which are bad, not the good, whole food, nature–made fats which we should have.
The butter in question: was it raw? Most folks eat the pasturized version, which is badly damaged by the heat of pasteurization. I have found over more than 35 years that pasteurized dairy products should be generously referred to as garbage. Pasteurized dairy products are harmful. That is the reason that dairy is at the top of my all-time-hit-parade of food allergies / sensitivities. I do not consider pasturized dairy items as food at all! A client in Canada once brought in two items for me to bioenergy test with her. One item tested 10 drops per week(!) tolerance. The other tested six liters per week tolerance. I did this blindly, not knowing that the items were milk. The bad one was commercial milk off the shelf. The good one was organic raw milk. I repeated this again later at a class I was teaching in Germany with the same results. To me it is unconscionable to prohibit the sale of certified raw dairy products. Pasteurized dairy products cause real addiction and damage in many. They weaken and debilitate people. They are what should be prohibited!
What about the doctor’s conclusion? I think he is right, but for exactly the wrong reasons. Get rid of that pasteurized garbage, let us all have real and natural food.