Jimmy Scott
is passing the torch to
Natural Bioenergetics Global
1304 Asphodel Line 2
RR3 Hastings, Ontario
KOL 1YO Canada
Oct 23, 2019
Greetings to the HK/NB Community,
I would like to share with you some of the exciting changes that have occurred within Health Kinesiology, now called Natural Bioenergetics here in North America. I have been working with a number of individuals and teams to “Pass the HK/NB Torch” to the future generations. Our goal has been to provide for a stable transition into the new infrastructure capable of overseeing HK/NB well into the future. A number of key steps have been taken.
Firstly, an international group, the Natural Bioenergetics International Council has been formed. This council is made up representatives from all the major centers. Its purpose is to coordinate policy and standards within NB/HK as well as address national and international issues in a unified manner. Watch for coming information about the NBIC.
Secondly, myself and the Natural Bioenergetics Institute, lead by Linda Easthouse and her team have been hard at work modernizing the teaching curriculum into a format that will meet international standards and take us into the future. Watch for soon to be released updates on the new training program or email Linda at: DirectorNatBio@gmail.com
Thirdly, I have put my Intellectual Property, the NB/HK training system, into the ownership of a Not-for-Profit organization, Natural Bioenergetics Global, to ensure that which began as a dream will continue as a legacy. In the weeks and months to come, the team at Natural Bioenergetics Global will continue the process of setting up the new office, systems and format capable of supporting the modernized international infrastructure. To be added to the email list and updated on these and many other changes: NB Global email sign up

Lastly, I have engaged Brian Mathews to act on my behalf. I have provided him all the rights of ownership of NB/HK. As President and CEO of Natural Bioenergetics Global, his task is to bring about the transition of NB/HK from its current state into an organization that will continue and expand for many generations to come. To contact NB Global: office@NBGlobal.org or Call 1-833-387-7413.
These are exciting times for the NB/HK world. It has been a privilege to be a part of furthering energy work in our communities, countries and across the globe. As the creator and founder of the Health Kinesiology/Natural Bioenergetics system and one who is committed to leaving a lasting legacy, I leave you in good hands for the future.
Sincerely Yours,
Jimmy Scott PhD